Had a great time today with our neighbor Tim and his daughter Lolo. Went out hoping for some Spanish Mackerel and a good day on the water with good friends. We (Scott’s boat) knew the seas were going to be choppy but decided we would at least look around to see if we could fish at all. The winds were strong and from the north. As we got out it was mostly calm until the fish trap areas at the mouth of the Great Wicomico. Instantly it would go from almost no waves to 3-4 feet. I can’t remember such a dramatic change in really just a hundred yards or so. So keeping closer to shore on the GW from about Cockerell’s to our Whay’s Creek we trolled for a few hours.
Well we did catch some fish. Ended the short day with 4 in the boat. Lolo of course showed up her dad by catching the most and the first and the biggest (by far). We lost the first one at the boat, mainly because he was across another line and Tim and I were not in sync on the lines crossed. Well a few minutes later she landed her first ever Spanish and it was a nice 23”.

We got a few more during the morning even though we caught as much grass as we did fish but it was a very good day. Lolo learned everything there was about fishing for Spanish. She reeled them in, set the lines, pull one over the transom that I caught, and every other aspect of the day. She was a good sport when we teased her a bit and seriously was one of the few that took the advice to smoothly reel in the fish. Many people tend to pull them in too quickly and they get off.
Just another good day on the water in my books and I am sure we will be taking them out again. She has gotten the bug!