I did not think striper season could pick up from yesterday but wrong again. My friend Rick came over on what turned out to be a very low tide. It took 45 minutes to get my boat off the lift, but we had plenty of time for fishing.
Of course, I head north again. No need to change locations based on how many I caught yesterday. Today, with Rick on the rods we caught so many I got tired of counting. They were not huge but plentiful. We were actually south of where I was at yesterday, maybe about 3 miles south of Smith Point Light House on the shore side of the shipping channel.
The birds were out in full force but really anywhere in a 5 square mile I went we saw fish. We saw them heading into the boat. We both finally got tired, and my dogs needed to go out, so we headed back.
The lures of choice remain to the purple and white.
You can probably see I only pushed half an update. I was working on this Saturday morning and Scott came early so I pushed what I had and vowed to come back to the story.