Trying Spanish for the last two trips

I went out with Scott to do an exploratory venture to find where or if the Spanish Mackerel. It is often amazing to me that spanish are in fact different day to day and certainly year to year. Some years they tend to hug the coast in relatively shallow water and other years they are out in the deepest part of the bay. Day to day they will have a different color and can certainly be effected by the amount of sunshine, water color, etc.

We have gone out the last two Thursdays and in general we have not found them in numbers. First day we ended up with 4 and yesterday ended the day with 8. Adam was with us and caught the most. But as always it takes a boat to catch a fish and it is always easier with 3 onboard.

One highlight of the day was Sutton called his dad before he went to bed and just as he called we hung a fish. So Adam was able to facetime with Sutton to watch us catch the fish.

The wind was from the north (which is not my favorite by a long stretch) and we were 1 -2 foot for about half of the trip with the bay settling down nicely from about 6pm onward. Temps were perfect, had a glorious sunset and a full moon rise.

Forgot to take any pics so you will just have to trust me on this one. Plus it was dark when we got back so there.