Quite the title I know but it was a lot going on yesterday. Scott came over because we were going fishing. We left my dock at sunrise. We headed out to Smith Point Lighthouse to get back to where the fish were recently. Based on tides for fishing the day was not going to be stellar. But the weather was going to be great, and we were going to have calm seas.
We did catch a few small stripers early, but it was dramatically slower than Saturday. Got some scoop from Dave to head to the Potomac. We headed north and in just a few miles we saw lots of birds and two boats. Bang, bang, bang, we got our limit in just a few minutes. Well as the title states we had a mission, so we headed back home.
Scott was having his boat serviced so we went to the shop got his boat and dropped it off it in the water for a test ride. Well, if you are testing you can be fishing so we headed back north. Our intention was to grab a big mule. We did catch a few keepers that we released but never got the big one. A good day so we headed back home.
While we were out there, we got two texts from our friend Tim. He and a friend had joined us in the Potomac as we were leaving. He stayed there most of the day and got two giant fish. First and 40″ then later a 42″. Very good work Tim. After seeing these two giants I really questions the logic of our mission 🙂 It was the best thing to do but we certainly would have loved to pull in alongside his two big dogs.
You’ve seen Tim star in a previous post where he didn’t get the big fish but not today, he definitely got the big one (s) today.